Department of Public Administration

The Public Administration Department aims to train senior managers for the public and private sector. Wide employment opportunities are available for graduates at various levels of the public bureaucracy, especially as district governors and administrative judges. The education of the graduates of the department is also suitable for working in the private sector. The undergraduate program includes programs such as administrative sciences, history of political thought, constitutional law, local administrations, public personnel management, Turkish political life, bureaucracy, economics and international politics. The department also aims to train well-equipped managers for local governments with the richness of programs offered to students.


To train graduates and qualified academicians who are researcher, innovative, produce solutions to social problems, look out for the public good, foresight, respect ethical values, and internationally recognized executive candidates.


Vereceği eğitim-öğretim ve üreteceği bilgi ile alanında önde gelen akademisyenlerin referans verdiği, mensubu ve mezunu olmaktan övünç duyulan bölümlerin arasına girebilmek.